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The Product

The Context (or the summary of the prequels):

Now that the context is set, let's start with our protagonist (or villain suspenseful music in the background) first - The Product:

Okay Shubham, the product sounds great & all, but how can I "see" the value of it with my own eyes (where's the actual product flow?):

The ICPs: Ideal Customer Profiles for Shiprocket Amplify

Before jumping into the ICPs, let’s acknowledge the big question of “Why influencers should work with Amplify?”:

<aside> 💡 **For nano to micro influencers with followers <100k but high engagement rates, it’s low ROI for them considering the above issues which makes it harder for them to spend time on honing their personal brand & content strategy to grow more.

With the increase in the number of influencers, it’s becoming unsustainable to carry out the non-scalable operational model of marketing agencies.

The above 2 insights leads to a gap in the market which requires solution like SR Amplify which provides value to Micro Influencers.**


Enough about the current situation of the product & supply side of Amplify, let's jump right-in into the most critical aspect for any new product: Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs). ICPs are like the heroine of a bollywood movie where our protagonist's one misstep or lie can stop the beginning of a blissful life-long relationship with them. The protagonist needs to first identify the ICPs which are most compatible to its values(-props).

ICP Selection

The Market

Amplify Business Model




Acquisition Channels

We can fairly assume that Amplify product is in PMF stage with invite-only access to curated D2C brands (existing SR customers).